electric soul

I watched Gatsby last Friday (read the book first, of course) and Lana Del Ray’s ‘Young and Beautiful’ has been on repeat all day. I can't seem to get it out of my head even though it didn't strike a chord until I heard it paired with scenes during the movie. It's the kind of movie that doesn't sink in until later - when you least expect it. It was surreal, beautiful and tragic, all at once, and the weight of it still lingers with me. Hope I didn't spoil it for anyone.
I was cleaning up and organising files on my computer when I found the above self-portrait that I never got around to posting. Lana Del Rey was crooning in the background when I came across it and it was the perfect match to my mood. Kept the editing minimal - leaving the lighting exactly as it was shot.
Light, soft and natural photos are my favourite kind, balanced by mystery and a hint into the secrets of the heart.