
Riche coat, Men's Dasmonk Tee via The Old Scholars, Grandma's skirt, Thrifted bag, River Island boots
Me, in my size 20 flasher coat, and earthly colours stomping the ground in matchy tan boots. I'm welcoming the creeping warmth of spring with boots.
When the weather gets warmer, I have plans of visiting IKEA for the first time ever (!), DFO for the second time ever, and put some lovin' into my bicycle. I have plans of lying on the couch, feet dangling off the side, trying to cool off whilst complaining how hot it is and eat my fill of vanilla ice-cream until I feel too sick to remember what it was I was complaining about.
I can't help but feel that we have all these plans and dreams and so many one day I'll do this or do that exclamations that I wonder if we'll ever live and achieve all those crazy aspirations or if we'll ever stop dreaming? Preferably not the latter, as without dreams, we'd struggle to hope.
By the way, does anyone else ever get a little fidgety, and a little too nervous, when they drink coffee?