MBFWA Day 1 / Street Style

(Candice Lake http://candicelake.com/)
Connie Cao / Connie and Luna
Can't believe I'm already about 3-4 posts behind, argh! Keep your eyes peeled for a flood of (late) posts. Hope you enjoy seeing MBFWA through my eyes.
Quick summary of the day:
- squealed inwardly when I spotted the gorgeous and talented Candice Lake, my absolute idol
- met Jess, Connie, Marcus, Anne and Christian who all saved me from being alone and lost
- forgot to charge my camera, and clear my card, and also dropped my camera
- attended Dylan Cooper and Miss Unkon (photos soon!)
Almost forgot to snap my outfit for the day, but luckily the sweet Connie snapped one for me:
(Miss Unkon jacket, Glassons dress, Wittner heels, YSL clutch, YSL lipstick #110)
jysla kay